
Wharton lunch with Gael de Roquefeuil, the hiring trends in the financial sector


INSEAD, Gael de Roquefeuil leads the INSEAD Finance Q&A Session


  • INSEAD Finance Q&A Session led by Gael de Roquefeuil.
  • Through a highly interactive Q&A format, the purpose is to accelerate the MBA students’ understanding of the potential careers in financial services, and to have them reflect on how to best prepare for their future job interviews.

L’AGEFI ACTIFS, Gael de Roquefeuil’s interview on Fund Managers Communicators


HEC, Gael de Roquefeuil leads the HEC Finance Q&A Session


  • HEC Finance Q&A Session led by Gael de Roquefeuil.
  • Through a highly interactive Q&A format, the purpose is to accelerate the MBA students’ understanding of the potential careers in financial services, and to have them reflect on how to best prepare for their future job interviews.

Challenges, Gael de Roquefeuil’s interview on changing life
