Why choose us?
Deeply committed to our business, our sole success criterion is the long-term performance of the candidates we recommend. Consequently:
- We only accept mandates for sectors or job descriptions which correspond to our recognized areas of expertise.
- Our relationship with clients is that of a partnership based on in-depth knowledge of the company, its strategy, its culture, its organization and its products.
- We are scrupulous about meeting targets and deadlines.
Our independent boutique structure provides our clients with:
- The guarantee that all contacts with candidates will be handled by the consultant.
- Objectivity in candidate selection.
- An off-limits environment unencumbered by constraints.
- Flexibility in determining our fees.
Our experience gathered in the main American, Asian and European financial centers enables us:
- To understand strategic evolution in financial services worldwide, and its impact on the French market.
- To instill an atmosphere of trust, and hence of dialogue, with candidates from widely diverse backgrounds.
- To broaden the vision of a candidate for a company / for a position.
- To analyze the integration potential of a candidate for a new environment based on intuition acquired from very diverse circumstances.
- To be creative in candidate selection.